Calling all book and movie lovers!

Have you read Slumdog Millionaire (aka Q & A) or been to see the movie OR BOTH!  Tell us about it.

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13 responses to “Calling all book and movie lovers!

  1. Busi Nyembezi

    This is an amazing movie and I recommend it to everyone. It is an eye opening story about how people lived in the slums.

  2. Celeste Naicker

    The movie was very touching,I feel sorry for children who live in India. I was inspired because all hard times he went through fate had managed prospered.

  3. Celeste Naicker

    The movie was very touching,I feel sorry for children who live in India. I was inspired because all hard times he went through fate had managed prosper.

  4. Catherine Nortje

    I found Slumdog Millionaire an extremely inspiring and sorrowful movie. It shows you how the main guy did the right thing and was honest and true to himself and had “everything” and his brother chose the money and that was all he had. I found an amazing movie and I’m glad that it got that many Oscars.

  5. Heather MacLeod

    I think this movie shows that if you wait for things they will eventurally come it was a very sad and touching movie but it tought me alot about India and what happens there

  6. nelisa khumalo

    The movie was so intruiging i dont think i blinked once……the whole indian setting was so realistic and i felt like i was in the first the movie didnt make sense to me but as it went on i realised how intresting it was…..who ever directed the movie got the wHole concept of it and really made it come to life. Looking forward to the next movie or book

  7. Tannagh Pfotenhauer

    Slumdog Millionare was an excellent and heartwarming movie with bits that kept me wanting more. I thought the slums in India were portrayed very well in the movie. I thouroughly enjoyed it.

  8. Michaela Mcghee

    I watched the movie and found it very intresting and unusual. I love the way the movie has been directed and the way it has been structured. I could wathch that movie a million times!

  9. Tima Anwana

    This was an amazing movie.. it made me laugh and cry at the same time!
    after seeing this movie i realised how wonderful life is for us.
    The acting in this movie was so good!! and this story has never been told before.. if u havent seen it yet i really think you should watch it because it really is a great movie!

  10. Tarryn Doffay

    Slumdog Millionaire is an inspiring movie.It shows us how badly children are treated in some countries as well as how bad the condisions in some countries really are. Its an inspirational movie and I recomend it to everyone.

  11. Tebogo Mokeyane

    I loved the movie , it shows so much , and I was so intriguid 🙂 by the movie! I loved it! I couldnt stop talking once! ( Thats a good thing!)

  12. The movie was very good but it is very different to the book. it is sad and touching. it is also very intense!

  13. the movie was very good but the book was very different and it was extremely touching! it was a good book, lots of detail!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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